Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Who do you go to for advice and why?

I have gotten myself into a lot of difficult situations in my life. Naturally I need some one to express my feelings to and to advise me about what to do next. There are a lot of people that I could choose from to talk to about my feelings about life. In my essay you will learn why I feel most comfortable going to my parents and grandparents opposed to friends or other relations.

I know that my Parents and Grandparents have been through a lot of trial throughout the course of their lives. They are strong people. They have experience the things that I am going through right know. My parents and grandparents know that if you fail exam, you won't neccicarrilly fail at life. They understand me when I talk to them because they have already experienced the same pains and stresses that I experience right now.

My parents love me despite whatever mistakes I have made. I know that I can trust them when I express to them how I feel. I also know that they will not judge me because of their love for me. Their one desire for me is for me to succeed and to be happy. This is why I feel like I can trust my parents with my innermost feelings.

Trust is an important element in a relationship. In the past, I have tried going to friends for advice. I have told them things that I would never have told anyone else. A friend of my of whom I shared this personal information shared it with not only her family, but with the rest of my friends. I love my friends, but sometimes I wonder if they are just waiting for another piece of gossip to chew on.

Be careful who you get advise from. As I mentioned in my previous paragraphs, I would rather ask someone who has already experienced the things that I have experienced, rather than a teenager. Teenagers are constantly changing their minds and their hormones are fluctuating like CRAZY! Why should I trust someone with my innermost feelings who is constantly changing their mind? I would prefer to share my feelings with someone a little more stable.

What factors affect Relationships?

Relationships are very intriguing, they show ones relationships with others. What is it that affects a persons desire to be around a person? For me, I like to be around people that care about my feelings. I know that hanging around people for their money can also be a factor in relationships. People that have high moral standards and live them are the kind of people that I like to be around.

I don't understand how you can be friends or in a relationship with someone that doesn't care about your feelings. Friends care about each other, they look out for each other. I know many people that have entered into relationships that are dysfunctional relationships because the girl/boy aren't willing to listen. I find that this happens most when a person asks a person out because of their looks or the style of clothes that they wear. This is a bad idea. You CANNOT buy love.

Money is an interesting thing. In my opinion it is terrible how it has torn relationships apart or brought them together in a way that is almost sicking. I have known of couples that have completely split up their marriage because things were going down hill, work wise. I have also heard of young women marrying older men that are rich, just for the fortune. We live in a perverse and wicked world, and we can only hope that some people have the decency to get to know someone because they love them.

I like to be around people that have morals. The friends that I have have standards set and they live them. I believe that this is so important in a good relationship. If you are in a relationship with a person that sets standards, and lives them, you know that you can trust them. Trust is such a key component in a good relationship. If you truly trust a person, you know that they won't be talking behind your back or that they wouldn't ever do anything to offend you.

In conclusion, I would like to review some of the things that I talked about in my essay. I know that if you are involved in a relationship because of the money you will not find happiness. I encourage all who read this to set their morals and standards high. If you do this others who have high standards will be attracted to you. In my life I have found this theory to be very applicable. I hope that you take care who you hang out with, or date, because it could change your life forever.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Can Money Affect Love?

Can money affect love? I believe that in certain cases, it can. What is it about a dollar bill that makes people relax and feel that everything will be alright? Is it the fact that in the case of an emergency, one could just use the money that they have saved up? I don't think so. I think that the media portrays the idea of having mony as being glamorous and beautiful, so much that we don't think that we can be happy without money. Everyone wants to find beauty and glamor, the question is, will they find in themselves, or through money?
We see cases on the news of women or men who marry older people who have great inheritances, just for the money. I refuse to believe that a twenty year old woman could or would choose to love an eighty year old man. She thinks that she can find happiness with the money that he has. He is rich, and she is poor. In cases like this, the girl or boy in question are never in love with their partner, they are in love with the money.
I have friends that come from relativly wealthy families. I talked to one of them on this topic, and she said, "Well my sister and I come from a wealthier family, I think that I will have to marry rich because if I didn't have cars and electronics and stuff like that, I wouldn't know what to do." I believe that this was a very interesting perspective on the life that the wealthy live. They simply CANNOT live without money. They are addicted. When money is what you live and breath, how can you settle for less?
I personally do not come from a very wealthy family. When I was younger my dad lost his job and we as a family are still trying to get back on our feet. My parents have always taught me to marry someone I love. A person who marrys for love will live happily ever after, whereas a person who marrys for money will never be happy. They will keep seeking something that they cannot find. Money cannot make you happy. It only acts as a substitute for things that you lack in your life.
Money cannot replace real love. Real love is being so happy with another person that you would do anything for them. You can fall in love with money, perhaps thinking that because of the mere "charm" of money you will be happy. This is a lie. Everything around us from magazines to newspapers tell us that money will make us happy. What the media doesn't show is how depressed and sad people are during hangovers after they have just had super expensive alchahol. Money cannot buy you happiness.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Graduation test

Should students graduating from high school take a mandatory test to make sure they know about our country and its workings? I believe that they should. We as a country are a democratic society. The people should have an appropriate knowledge of the constitution and what the leader of the country does. If we don't possess this knowledge, how is our country a democracy?

I believe that if young teens have any knowledge of our liberty and rights, they get it from press and media who twist the truth almost to the point where it isn't truth anymore. I would know, being a teenager. I have watched the candidates for presidents give excellent speeches. Some teens may not know that these speeches are not written by the presidents. These wonderful speeches are written by other people with excellent writing abilities and "preformed" by the president.
Teens need to decide where their values lie. They live in a world where values are mocked and made fun of. It can be difficult deciding who to believe, the world or ourselves. Teenagers as the younger generation MUST know the difference between a corrupt candidate and a candidate with correct values. I hope that by taking this test that teens would not only learn more about the wonderful country in which they live in but that they might also learn a little more about standing up for values and liberties.
We as youth have great power. We have the power to affect our country. I don't think that we can see how great we are because the world is constantly telling us otherwise. I think that sometimes we just vote for a person because they are the most popular person in the press or because everyone else is doing it. I would like to call this "going along with the crowd." I hope that we may be able to realize our power and utilize in a positive way as we learn more about our country.
Our country was founded upon just laws, rules and regulations. The founding fathers wrote it because they wanted FREEDOM from England. I watch the news and see these liberties and laws twisted. I hope that by learning more about our country we as the younger generation can stand up for what we know to be right. This is why I think we as a younger generation should take the a test about our country to graduate high school.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Should Celebrities be Role Models?

Celebrities are everywhere. They are in the books and magazines that we read. They are in the shows and commercials that we see. Should they be held to a higher standard than we are because of how much we as America see them? I believe that they shouldn't. In my paragraphs you will learn why I think this way.
Most newspapers and other news stations focus on the negative of celebrities. We as average Americans don't know what it is like to rich or famous. We imagine the life of fame to be glory beyond all imagining. This may not be the case. "The stresses of fame and glory," are not shown in newspapers or magazines. We read the stories of celebrities wonderful lives but we rarely read between the lines.
I don't think that celebrities should be role models. They live a different lifestyle than most of us. For the most part none of them have any boundaries. Most are on drugs or are alcoholics. They can afford to to buy these things, where as we cannot.
We have the choice weather we see celebrities or not. They are everywhere, but we can decide to turn off the t.v. or to look away from the adds at the grocery store. If we don't like what we see, why should we keep watching it. I say that as a people we should raise our standards, but I don't think that celebrities should have to raise our standards because we feel uncomfortable. They decide what they should do in life and we should not have the right to change it.
Should celebrities be role models? No, I don't think so. I believe that we should let them live their life and that they should let us live ours. The celebrities shouldn't have to change their lifestyle just because we don't like it. They are free agents as are we.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The "Net Generation"

If I had to choose one side I think that I would stick with the older generation. In our generation, we have become a lot less work savvy and a lot more computer savvy. I believe that as teenagers and young people, OVERALL, our lifestyle is fairly unhealthy. I don't however believe that the older generation should, in any way, categorize, the younger generation into "slobs and violent riffraff." I tend to see this more and more as I grow older.
We can learn a lot from the older generation, but they can also learn a lot from us. In the older generation they valued work. Now we see it as a task that is extremely difficult or hard to do. I agree that we are much more focused on ourselves and less focused on others. I believe that the older generation was right in having the mind set that they can do hard things.
The net generation possess many talents that the older generation lacks. I have been asked countless times by grandparents or parents how to make a computer work. The older generation lacks certain technical abilities to do things that may make life easier for them, such as email, blogging, or facebook. We are moving into a new decade, with new inventions and ideas. I believe that in some ways the older generation is falling behind.
It is interesting that we as the net generation can learn so much from the older generation, while they in turn can learn so much from us. I believe that listening to stories of when our parents or grandparents were older may help us to value work more. I also believe that we can teach the older generation how to use computers, and the advantages of using computers. I believe that it is important that everything is done in moderation. When I say this I mean that it is important that we don't spend all of our time on the computer, but it is also important that we don't work all the time.
As I mentioned in the first paragraph, I do agree that for the most part the younger generation's lifestyle is fairly unhealthy. I am sure that new inventions coming out will not help us to appreciate the value of work. If anything I believe that they will demote the value of work once so much appreciated. I believe that as the younger generation it is our duty to listen to those who came before us and apply their principals and precepts in our lives. My plea is that we listen to the older generation, before it is too late.