Thursday, January 28, 2010

Should Celebrities be Role Models?

Celebrities are everywhere. They are in the books and magazines that we read. They are in the shows and commercials that we see. Should they be held to a higher standard than we are because of how much we as America see them? I believe that they shouldn't. In my paragraphs you will learn why I think this way.
Most newspapers and other news stations focus on the negative of celebrities. We as average Americans don't know what it is like to rich or famous. We imagine the life of fame to be glory beyond all imagining. This may not be the case. "The stresses of fame and glory," are not shown in newspapers or magazines. We read the stories of celebrities wonderful lives but we rarely read between the lines.
I don't think that celebrities should be role models. They live a different lifestyle than most of us. For the most part none of them have any boundaries. Most are on drugs or are alcoholics. They can afford to to buy these things, where as we cannot.
We have the choice weather we see celebrities or not. They are everywhere, but we can decide to turn off the t.v. or to look away from the adds at the grocery store. If we don't like what we see, why should we keep watching it. I say that as a people we should raise our standards, but I don't think that celebrities should have to raise our standards because we feel uncomfortable. They decide what they should do in life and we should not have the right to change it.
Should celebrities be role models? No, I don't think so. I believe that we should let them live their life and that they should let us live ours. The celebrities shouldn't have to change their lifestyle just because we don't like it. They are free agents as are we.

1 comment:

  1. I love how you describe that "normal people" look at celebrities, but they don't know what it is like to really live like them.

    Next time, don't worry about trying to answer both questions. Just pick one and go for it.

    -Ms LS
