Friday, February 5, 2010

Graduation test

Should students graduating from high school take a mandatory test to make sure they know about our country and its workings? I believe that they should. We as a country are a democratic society. The people should have an appropriate knowledge of the constitution and what the leader of the country does. If we don't possess this knowledge, how is our country a democracy?

I believe that if young teens have any knowledge of our liberty and rights, they get it from press and media who twist the truth almost to the point where it isn't truth anymore. I would know, being a teenager. I have watched the candidates for presidents give excellent speeches. Some teens may not know that these speeches are not written by the presidents. These wonderful speeches are written by other people with excellent writing abilities and "preformed" by the president.
Teens need to decide where their values lie. They live in a world where values are mocked and made fun of. It can be difficult deciding who to believe, the world or ourselves. Teenagers as the younger generation MUST know the difference between a corrupt candidate and a candidate with correct values. I hope that by taking this test that teens would not only learn more about the wonderful country in which they live in but that they might also learn a little more about standing up for values and liberties.
We as youth have great power. We have the power to affect our country. I don't think that we can see how great we are because the world is constantly telling us otherwise. I think that sometimes we just vote for a person because they are the most popular person in the press or because everyone else is doing it. I would like to call this "going along with the crowd." I hope that we may be able to realize our power and utilize in a positive way as we learn more about our country.
Our country was founded upon just laws, rules and regulations. The founding fathers wrote it because they wanted FREEDOM from England. I watch the news and see these liberties and laws twisted. I hope that by learning more about our country we as the younger generation can stand up for what we know to be right. This is why I think we as a younger generation should take the a test about our country to graduate high school.

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