Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Who do you go to for advice and why?

I have gotten myself into a lot of difficult situations in my life. Naturally I need some one to express my feelings to and to advise me about what to do next. There are a lot of people that I could choose from to talk to about my feelings about life. In my essay you will learn why I feel most comfortable going to my parents and grandparents opposed to friends or other relations.

I know that my Parents and Grandparents have been through a lot of trial throughout the course of their lives. They are strong people. They have experience the things that I am going through right know. My parents and grandparents know that if you fail exam, you won't neccicarrilly fail at life. They understand me when I talk to them because they have already experienced the same pains and stresses that I experience right now.

My parents love me despite whatever mistakes I have made. I know that I can trust them when I express to them how I feel. I also know that they will not judge me because of their love for me. Their one desire for me is for me to succeed and to be happy. This is why I feel like I can trust my parents with my innermost feelings.

Trust is an important element in a relationship. In the past, I have tried going to friends for advice. I have told them things that I would never have told anyone else. A friend of my of whom I shared this personal information shared it with not only her family, but with the rest of my friends. I love my friends, but sometimes I wonder if they are just waiting for another piece of gossip to chew on.

Be careful who you get advise from. As I mentioned in my previous paragraphs, I would rather ask someone who has already experienced the things that I have experienced, rather than a teenager. Teenagers are constantly changing their minds and their hormones are fluctuating like CRAZY! Why should I trust someone with my innermost feelings who is constantly changing their mind? I would prefer to share my feelings with someone a little more stable.

What factors affect Relationships?

Relationships are very intriguing, they show ones relationships with others. What is it that affects a persons desire to be around a person? For me, I like to be around people that care about my feelings. I know that hanging around people for their money can also be a factor in relationships. People that have high moral standards and live them are the kind of people that I like to be around.

I don't understand how you can be friends or in a relationship with someone that doesn't care about your feelings. Friends care about each other, they look out for each other. I know many people that have entered into relationships that are dysfunctional relationships because the girl/boy aren't willing to listen. I find that this happens most when a person asks a person out because of their looks or the style of clothes that they wear. This is a bad idea. You CANNOT buy love.

Money is an interesting thing. In my opinion it is terrible how it has torn relationships apart or brought them together in a way that is almost sicking. I have known of couples that have completely split up their marriage because things were going down hill, work wise. I have also heard of young women marrying older men that are rich, just for the fortune. We live in a perverse and wicked world, and we can only hope that some people have the decency to get to know someone because they love them.

I like to be around people that have morals. The friends that I have have standards set and they live them. I believe that this is so important in a good relationship. If you are in a relationship with a person that sets standards, and lives them, you know that you can trust them. Trust is such a key component in a good relationship. If you truly trust a person, you know that they won't be talking behind your back or that they wouldn't ever do anything to offend you.

In conclusion, I would like to review some of the things that I talked about in my essay. I know that if you are involved in a relationship because of the money you will not find happiness. I encourage all who read this to set their morals and standards high. If you do this others who have high standards will be attracted to you. In my life I have found this theory to be very applicable. I hope that you take care who you hang out with, or date, because it could change your life forever.